Mrs A’s Family Photo Shoot | Abu Dhabi Lifestyle Family Photography

I have been meaning to share this recent family photo shoot with you… It was a beautiful afternoon for catching some culture, beach and cityscape views and one of Abu Dhabi’s most iconic buildings. Mrs A’s family were a delight to photograph and we had a great deal of fun together!  In particular the youngest member was a total natural – he LOVED the camera, and it was definitely a mutual feeling!

Here are some highlights from the portfolio…

Mrs A

A serene family moment

Mrs A

Sweet cuddles…

Mrs A

Beautiful sunset time…

Mrs A

Mrs A

Mrs A

Mrs A

Mrs A

These brothers are so close

Mrs A

Mrs A

Mrs A

One of my favourites from the session

Mrs A

I love the soft colours here

Mrs A

Best friends

Mrs A

This little chap LOVED the camera – and the feeling was definitely mutual!

Mrs A

Mrs A

Mrs A

Mrs A

Mrs A

Mrs A

Rustic charm

Mrs A

Wonderful golden light for a beautiful family souvenir of life in Abu Dhabi


If you would like to schedule a family photo shoot to capture your own moments to celebrate life & love… Let’s get talking.

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Hello, my name is Victoria and I am a lifestyle family photographer based in Abu Dhabi, UAE.  For me, Photography is an essential way to preserve priceless memories and freeze moments in life. Time is all too fleeting and before we know it, the years pass by and we look back and wonder where the time went. We can’t stop time, but maybe – if I had a super power – that is what I’d wish for.  Our best chance is to document our lives so we have a window into our past that we can visit whenever we like. I find so much joy in using my skills to create priceless memories for others. It challenges my mind and breathes energy into my soul.  I celebrate freezing those moments to capture not only the big picture, but also the beautiful details and time-capsule minutiae, to celebrate the love and connections within family and kinship.



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B l o g
I n s t a g r a m
T w i t t e r